Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Herb Garden

For as long as I can remember, Hubby and I have dreamed and talked of the day when we would own our own house, have a yard and then build a veggie patch in it.

Six months ago we bought our house.  We have our yard.  But still, we are yet to build a veggie patch.  It's a pretty daunting task for two completely inexperienced gardeners!

Last weekend we finally bit the bullet and made a start.

The previous owner had built a planter box next to our patio, so all we had to do was buy a truckload of new potting mix, dynamic lifter and blood and bone to bring it back to life.  We turned the soil already in it over, and mixed in our new purchases to really build the soil up.

Our next job was to fill it up.  From the above picture, I know the planter box looks very empty.... but let me assure you that it's not!

The six little seedlings in the far right are strawberry plants.  I love strawberries, and I am super excited about the idea of growing my own.

The other row of seedlings in the middle are half thyme and half sage.  In between the strawberries and the other row are endless seeds - two different types of parsley, chives, coriander and oregano.  The space to the far left is all basil.  We like basil, so we've planted LOADS.  I'm desperately hoping all our little seeds grow - I'd rather have to thin then out then admit defeat!  Hopefully in the next week or so we'll start to see them poking up!

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